The Rideau de scène
de la Déportation, Édouard Gautreau (1931)
Painted by the Acadian artist Édouard Gautreau in 1931 and safeguarded by the Société historique de la Mer rouge (SHMR) in 1980, the Rideau de scène de la Déportation Theatre Curtain measures 10 feet by 18 feet (3 meters by 5.5 meters) and once adorned the parish hall in Shemogue in New Brunswick. In May 2020, it was bequeathed to Nation Prospère and has since been located at the Musée de Kent in Bouctouche where it has been on display and is undergoing restoration.
During the summer of 2020, a preliminary restoration project was carried out on the theatre curtain to clean, consolidate and treat this important work of Acadian artistic heritage. A complete restoration project of this painted theatre curtain is in preparation and its permanent exhibition will take place in 2021 or 2022 at the Kent Museum.